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Sunday, November 14, 2010

rumors and innuendo

A long thirty three years of this life have taught me that things you hear are often not the truth of the matter. It seems always you hear a rumor or someone knows something their cousin's best friend's older brother's girlfriend's ex-mother-in-law's bartender told her last night at the crack house, and it's being repeated like wildfire around the wherever you congregate. In the end, the innuendo, the commentary, the lies that are spun from webs of thick jealousy or anger or bitterness or perceived (or real) slights... it never matters, and sometimes its even true, but the end result is always the same: a reaction to one person is not a guaranteed reaction to every person. Each individual personality you encounter in this life will elicit a different reaction from you, and likewise you will elicit a reaction from them different from anyone else. You may remind them of a pleasant or unpleasant memory or person, and that may color their initial emotions, but your true self will always demand that they judge you on who you are, not a parcel of the whole. just random thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. Hayley and I want to know what rumor you are talking about! That's just cause we are nosy ;) sounds like a bad day....sorry love!
